The Truth about Muslims

Recently I have been swarmed with emails from Muslim leaders attempting to convince me Islam is peaceful, that our gods are the same. I ask them one question:
"What do your holy books command if you left Islam?"
None have responded because the answer is death. For a people who claim their religion is compatible, a bloody reality is hidden behind a veil of peace.
Are Muslim leaders ignorant or are they purposely lying? The same could be asked of our teachers in America’s public schools who pump our children’s heads full of "peaceful Islam" and persecuted Muslims afflicted by evil Christian Crusaders. How is it possible that history teachers could know so little about history?

Two years ago I addressed our school board with the imbalance in our history textbook concerning Islam. I did not attack Muslims, I presented with charts and direct quotes how our textbook had devoted a huge proportion of Islamic religious beliefs as fact while disparaging Christianity. One school board member angrily accused me of bigotry until another member cautioned him of legal consequences. Today, I am still laying out the facts and continue to be labeled a bigot.

If a Muslim cannot convert to Christianity for fear of death, what label would that same school board member impose on Islam? Answer: Peaceful.

Today, the Chicago Tribune (1) published an article called "Schooled in jihad, Clerics block education reform in Pakistan." Apparently Pakistani textbooks continue to incite children of all ages to slaughter non-Muslims. "Islam comes in the world to dominate the world," says Syed Ali Mohiuddin, who graduated from a madrassa in Rawalpindi. Jihad and martyrdom are learned as early as 5th grade, "emphasizing that a Muslim has no faith if he does not wish for martyrdom."

In Jan. 2002 America set up a payment schedule for aid to Pakistan of $3 billion dollars and President Musharraf announced that all schools must register within two months and adopt a government curriculum. He vowed to close any schools that promote extremism or store weapons. Almost three years later most schools remain unregistered while science, math and English books continue to teach jihad.

In Palestine, textbooks contain:

  • "Jews are the Enemies of the Prophets" – Islamic Education for Fourth Grade;
  • "Drive out the Jews" – Our Arabic Language for Fifth Grade;
  • "Jews are evil" – Islamic Education for Seventh Grade. (2)
No wonder the news media published pictures of children happily playing out the beheading of Paul Johnson and other unfortunate victims of Islam.

In May, 2003, the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (3) released that official government textbooks, published by the Saudi Ministry of Education, present Islam as "the only true religion and all other religions are considered invalid and misguided. Christians and Jews repeatedly labeled as infidels, enemies of Islam who should not be befriended or emulated, and referred to in eight grade textbooks as `apes' and `pigs.' Jews are" regularly "referred to as `wicked nation,' characterized by bribery, deception, betrayal,' and those who abandon Islam for another religion deserve to be killed, or at least imprisoned."

America’s public educators had better begin telling the truth about Islam instead of sugar coating it and force feeding it to our children as a religion to embrace. The holy books of Islam will forever define the religion and all of our attempts to rewrite it as peaceful will ultimately fail. That our teachers and administrators insist upon parading Islam around as ‘peaceful’ because ‘your children need to understand Islam in order to survive in the world’ has got to be nominated for the idiot claim of the century. If Islam must be taught, we should purchase the textbooks from Pakistan and Palestine and teach our children the truth about Islam. Then we could compare our own textbooks as examples of propaganda, a perfect opportunity to apply REAL "critical thinking." (psssp, don’t listen to your teachers, listen to your parents).

Muslims are not to be persecuted, they are to be loved. Not because liberals vainly demand tolerance and lie about reality in order to achieve it; no, we are to love Muslims because God commands that we love even those who hate us. But the truth about Muslims is that many Muslims are fully aware the ‘peace’ of Islam is a deception. Yet many peaceful Muslims honestly believe it is just that, peaceful, and are perplexed when asked about the violence condoned in the Quran, Hadith and Sira. TRUTH is important and indoctrination tactics must be abolished immediately. But public educators adamantly refuse to listen because they cannot stand the thought of parents imposing their (obvious) view on public education’s god of knowledge. But induction practices will not invoke tolerance, it will only invoke Islamic dominance.

Curriculums are underway as we continue to await the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision about 7th grade students being forced to "become Muslim." (4) Teachers and judges do not understand that when they demand children repeat: "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger," even in simulation, the Hadith (holy book of Islam) commands that blood can be shed of anyone who confesses such words and then leaves them. (Hadith, Bukhari, volume 9, #17ms)

American soil has already been claimed by Islam (5) and our own schools are working to indoctrinate our children. Our own educational government is providing the Islamic legal right for Muslim terrorists to bomb and murder our children, apostate of Islam.

Love the Muslims? YES. God loves the Muslims so much He would allow us to suffer to share the good news of Christ with them, to reach out to them, regardless of the penalty. But indoctrinate our children to Islam? I have already jeopardized my life to publish the truth. America, hear me. Islam is courting our children while bombing our buildings. Just as mosques conceal weapons, Islam conceals violence. The shocking lunacy of it all is America is buying the lie, even as Russian school children are slaughtered, charity workers are beheaded, suicide bombers abound and "ethnic" cleansing of non-Muslims is happening in the Sudan. Even with all that, parents will look at me blankly and repeat, "But I want my child to understand the peace of Islam..."
And the sheep bleat on.
Please write your objections to the following:Ninth District Court of Appeals website

Contact your legislator

Contact California's Curriculum Commission


5. Soundvision - a Muslim website that strategizes how to spread Islam in public schools. Soundvision states it is "Waqf fi sabellillah." Few Americans know it means "devoting a plot of land [America] for Muslim religious purposes in the name of Allah.

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  1. Anonymous11:42 PM

    I am a born Muslim from a converted father and am a born American. On what basis do you say that Allah is a foreign God? Is there a separate God for Americans who are Christian or Jews? Allah is a proper name and derives from the Arabic al-ilah or the God. It is used by Arab Christians as well. If you want then to differentiate a belief in a triune deity to the absolute unitary deity of Islam to show that Christians believe in a different concept of God than Muslims then that can be done to emphasize the difference between Jews and Muslims.

    Muslims believe in the One who has created this world and everything in it and who has sent prophets and messengers from Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus to the last Messenger Muhammad, peace upon them all. We believe in a heaven and hell and a judgement day. Islam means the surrender or submission of one's will to our Creator.

    I do not wish that your children should recite or do anything you find objectionable even though the goal is to develop a tolerance and understanding of the beliefs of others in order to avoid racial and religous hatred. American Muslims have a special responsibility in showing that America is a place where Muslims can freely practice their faith and live in peace with their neighbors to counter the propaganda that America is waging a war against Islam. Osama bin Laden has a political agenda that uses Islam to counter American activity in Muslim countries. He and his supporters have perverted Islam and have justified the killing of innocents as collateral damage.

    Fundamentalist Christians who support Israel as part of their religious agenda, want to demonize Islam by attacking the Prophet of Islam and the Qur'an and to question the loyalty of Muslims living in America. We don"t want to start a religious war or polarize our citizens in a way that can result in houses of worship, schools and individuals being attacked.

    I respect your wish not to have your children brainwashed but there should be some knowledge of what we share as well as our differences. This could be taught in your own churches to avoid the controversy of what is appropriate in our schools. Ignorance only promotes hatred and suspicion.

    May God guide us in His way and give our leaders wisdom.

    Sincerely, Ameer

  2. Dear Ameer, Your email was gentle and patient, written with words that would lead one to believe you are tolerant and peaceful. But I have one question. What do your holy books say should happen to a Muslim who converts to Christianity?The answer to this question will also answer all your questions about the difference between the God of the Christians and the god of Islam, Allah. Sincerely, Jen

  3. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Dear Jen, Thanks for taking the time to reply in such a friendly manner. I usually have to settle for just an automated reply.

    Regardless of what Islam teaches you must accept the principle that Jews and Muslims at least worship the same unitary God. Muslims accept that Christians worship one God but differ regarding the position of Jesus' rejecting his divinity and the Trinity. The emphasis of Christians is on God as a loving God who forgave mankind for the sin that was supposedly placed on us through Adam and Eve.

    We believe that Adam was forgiven but we were all put on earth to be tested and then through His grace enter His Presence not for our deeds alone, though they are important and a manifestation of our faith and sacrifice. No one, according to the Prophet Muhammad, not even him will enter Paradise without God's Grace and if we have a mountain of good deeds but no faith in Him we will be excluded and as long as we confess our belief that He is only one God and for Muslims to believe in our Prophed as His messenger.

    Christian preachers tend to view the God of the Old Testament as a God of wrath demanding obedience in contrast to the God of Love of the New Testament but they do not claim that Yahweh and the triune God are different. Islam has a balanced view of our Creator as Compassionate to His Creatures in this world and Merciful to those who acknowledge Him and serve Him in all aspects of our life. He is Self-Sufficient and has no need of our worship but we enrich our souls through our recognition of his Greatness. This is why Muslim constantly say "Allahu Akbar"-God is the Greatest.

    Though Muslims, unlike Jews, accept Jesus as a Messenger and his original Gospel as well as his miraculous birth we do not believe that Jesus was crucified or died on the cross. We do not accept the dogma of original sin so we see no need for his suffering to reconcile us with our Loving God who accepts our repentance without any intermediary.

    Many Christians have been unable to accept the Pauline version of the mission of Jesus and have sought God or spiritual solace elsewhere. What is your view of those Christians who sincerely cannot accept Jesus as the later Christian theolgians have made him out to be? "Why callest thou me good; there is none Good but God" may be interpreted to be humility or to indirectly direct the person to accepting him as a deity or the son of God but we accept the literal meaning of his declaration and to use the word son regardless of the interpretation as symbolic of his relationship to the Father it conjures up in most of mankind a physical connection. Catholics even call Mary, the mother of God, something Protestants recognize as unacceptable despite the Catholic logic.

    Please excuse me for this statement of my understanding of what is the Christian concept of God as I do not wish to engage in a debate. God has acted in a certain way in the Old Testament regarding the Jews and Jesus has emphasized the need to act on the spirit of the law when the letter goes against the intent of God. ('The sabbath was made for man. . . . " Islam being the final revelation removed the emphasis on the Law but still made certain things obligatory and others forbidden. If God is a God of Love how could he not finally forbid alcohol which are means by which those who are prone to alcoholism and drunkenness committing crimes, killing and maiming people on and off the road, abusing their wives and children and destroying their own health as well as gambling more than they can afford and depriving their families and the poor for any benefit.

    Islam has severe punishment for premarital sex, adultery and theft not so much to punish but to prevent. We see how widespread this sinful conduct is and who it leads to even deeper problems in society. Of course, believers must struggle to eliminate evil and the temptation that we are all prone to without God's help and grace. I recognize the effect that accepting Jesus as savior for one's original sin without doing anything to deserve it ("while we were yet sinners") but it is only a minority that have been able to be born again, while most of mankind seem to be mired in sin, neglect and forgetfulness.

    Let all of us who believe in God and in His Goodness and Mercy join together in being examples of the best our religion offers so that others may be able to see that the path we are in offers them a way for eternal happiness in the Presence of God and not suffer in the hell because our souls have been alienated from Him.

    The fire of regret already begins in this world and how much greater in the next when we realize our mistake. Satan wishes all those who believe in God to be busy fighting one another over who is more loved by God rather than living a life that will bring people to accept God and carry out His plan for humanity.

    To answer your question regarding a Muslim who either rejects Islam or accepts another means to worship him, I know there is a traditional view that after given a chance to return he should be killed but I believe that this does not really conform to what is in the Qur'an. At that time there were those who were pagans who accepted Islam, then went back to paganism and did this several times in order to create confusion and disbelief in others but no punishment was prescribed for that person in this world. Today, many are born Muslim without ever having really accepted Islam (not born again!). Most do not have a real knowledge of Islam especially in the conditions that exist today in the Muslim world. Just as cutting the hand for thievery should not be carried out in a society that does not do anything to create an economic and spiritual atmosphere where such actions are done only by the most depraved, so also those who sincerely adopt another religion that they believe will lead them to God should not be killled as the Qur'an says that their isno compulsion in religion and they always have a chance to return to their faith.

    Many heretics in Christendom were tortured, killed or burned at the stake because they held beliefs that were not acceptable to those in power.

    One man in the early years of Muslim rule killed a man with his sword because he did not accept Islam and he himself was executed by the sultan as he was in violation of how the religion of Islam should be spread. This despite the propaganda that Islam was spread by the sword. Of course, after conquest many accepted Islam once they were free to understand its true beliefs and were not afraid of their co-religionists.

    Christians continued to live and thrive in the Muslim world and there was debate carried out in a respectful way. In the US, we now see children following a different road than their parents and there is no means to pressure anyone to adopt or reject any ideology or way of life.

    However, there are Muslims who will attempt to harm those who slander the Prophet of Islam (some have called him a pervert and child molester) or ridiculed the tenets of Islam or its practices rather that engaging in respectful discussion to find the truth.

    Some Christians have taken advantage of the poverty in Muslim countries to offer financial rewards or assistance to get new converts or an education or other inducements to get those who are weak in faith and knowledge to abandon their faith. No doubt, there are others who have fallen for the propaganda of Jehovah"s Witnesses or others and who were unable to obtain satisfactory answers to their questions from ignorant people around them. There is a very small number of Muslims who have given up Islam to embrace Christianity despite the efforts of missionaries. Naturally it is very hard for anyone in a Muslim country to do so given the nature of the society. Anyone who is sincere can migrate to a Christian country if necessary to avoid the stigma or threat of violence. Some may see this as a quick way to get to the US or to have a better life or even to achieve martyrdom by preaching publicly rather than being a silent witness for his faith by his example. Even Muslim who express heretical views have had to migrate.

    Again, please excuse me for my attempt to show you that though we have different ideas about the best way to please God we still believe in a single Creator who loves us even though we may differ as to His nature.

    May God guide us to and in His path and forgive us for our mistakes and shortcomings. May He open our hearts, minds and souls to His truth and to be His sincere servants. Sincerely, Ameer now retired in Bodrum, Turkey (where Muslim women are not as free to carry out their requirements of dress as they are in the USA)

  4. Dear Ameer, You have brought up many issues so I'll answer what I can. I thank you also for being so polite.

    You wrote,

    ‘Regardless of what Islam teaches you must accept the principle that Jews and Muslims at least worship the same unitary God.”

    I'm sorry but that's absolutely wrong. If it was true, then, why would it be death to worship the same God as a Christian? Your own religion tells you these are not the same. The characters of God and Allah are not the same.

    [you wrote] “Muslims accept that Christians worship one God but differ regarding the position of Christ, rejecting his divinity and the Trinity.”

    But Ameer, this is the ROCK of Christianity, and how Jesus describes God is not at all how Muhammad describes Allah.

    [you wrote] The emphasis of Christians is on God as a loving God who forgave mankind for the sin nature that was placed on us through Adam and Eve. We believe that Adam was forgiven but we were all put on earth to be tested and then through His grace enter His Presence not for our deeds alone, though they are important and a manifestation of our faith and sacrifice.

    [you wrote] No one, according to the Prophet Muhammad, not even him will enter Paradise without God's Grace and if we have a mountain of good deeds but no faith in Him we will be excluded and as long as we confess our belief that He is only one God and for Muslims to believe in our Prophet as His messenger.

    If this was one God, then why would the foundation be so different?

    [you wrote] Christian preachers tend to view the God of the Old Testament as a God of wrath demanding obedience in contrast to the God of Love of the New Testament.

    Ameer, any real Christian preacher would base his belief on the Bible, and the Bible says God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. The only difference is the covenant, which no one could keep except Christ, was changed. Christ is the new covenant, and because He talked so much about peace, then people do get confused. But make no mistake, Jesus never denied God's wrath, in fact He talked more about hell than He talked about heaven.

    [you wrote]but they do not claim that Yahweh and the triune God are different.

    I'm not sure what you mean by this?

    [you wrote] Islam has a balanced view of our Creator as Compassionate to His Creatures in this world and Merciful to those who acknowledge Him and serve Him in all aspects of our life. He is Self-Sufficient and has no need of our worship but we enrich our souls through our recognition of his Greatness. This is why Muslim constantly say "Allahu Akbar"-God is the Greatest.

    Islam has a loosely based description of God of the Bible, but Muhammad did not represent Him correctly. I know that sounds intolerant, I know liberals would point their finger at my saying that, but the truth of God must be known. To deceive anyone is not loving.

    [you wrote] Though Muslims, unlike Jews, accept Jesus as a Messenger and his original Gospel as well as his miraculous birth we do not believe that Jesus was crucified or died on the cross. We do not accept the dogma of original sin so we see no need for his suffering to reconcile us with our Loving God who accepts our repentance without any intermediary.

    [you wrote] Many Christians have been unable to accept the Pauline version of the mission of Jesus and have sought God or spiritual solace elsewhere. What is your view of those Christians who sincerely cannot accept Jesus as the later Christian theolgians have made him out to be? "Why callest thou me good; there is none Good but God" may be interpreted to be humility or to indirectly direct the person to accepting him as a deity or the son of God but we accept the literal meaning of his declaration and to use the word son regardless of the interpretation as symbolic of his relationship to the Father it conjures up in most of mankind a physical connection. Catholics even call Mary, the mother of God, something Protestants recognize as unacceptable despite the Catholic logic.

    Ameer, I'm not sure what you mean by later Christian theologians, perhaps you mean the people who twist and pervert the scriptures to their own means? Jesus said there would be many false Christians so I'm not surprised, I even expect to see "signs and wonders" from them soon, but they will not be of God but of demons. God will deal with them, and He tells me to love them. My only intervention with them is when they try to push these beliefs on children, and then I object very strongly.

    [you wrote] Please excuse me for this statement of my understanding of what is the Christian concept of God as I do not wish to engage in a debate. God has acted in a certain way in the Old Testament regarding the Jews and Jesus has emphasized the need to act on the spirit of the law when the letter goes against the intent of God. ('The sabbath was made for man. . . . "

    Ameer, I'm sorry but this is very wrong. The problem was that the Jews were adding a lot of laws making it almost impossible for people to obey. Jesus continually rebuked the Pharisees for not knowing the Scriptures. He also said He did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it. Christ paid the price of it, all the laws that we failed at. Jesus never went against the intent of God. He explained the Sabbath. Yes we are to obey it but it was meant for our own good. The Jews were taking it so legalistically that it became out of balance.

    [you wrote] Islam being the final revelation removed the emphasis on the Law but still made certain things obligatory and others forbidden. If God is a God of Love how could he not finally forbid alcohol which are means by which those who are prone to alcoholism and drunkenness committing crimes, killing and maiming people on and off the road, abusing their wives and children and destroying their own health as well as gambling more than they can afford and depriving their families and the poor for any benefit.

    Ameer, it's about the heart. Our fallen nature is such that we cannot stop ourselves, there are not that are perfect. Is there anyone who has never lied, never lusted, never wished for another's wife? God knows we cannot obey so Christ came to reconcile us to God. It is what all the sacrifices of the Jews before Christ were pointing to. As if, in the meantime, until Christ comes, the payment for sin was the sacrifice of an animal, pointing at Christ. But before Christ came, God became angry (Jeremiah I believe) because the people's hearts were not in it. They would sin and then kill the cow and shrug, they were not sorry, it was just a cost. It is the same today. Many Christians claim to be Christian and do anything they want including pornography, fornication, all of the things that are forbidden. But if they KNEW Jesus Christ, if they cared about Him, they would strive to forsake all things forbidden. That's where Christians are. We mess up, we fall down, we screw up, but we sincerely repent and ask God to help us in victory over the sin. And God does, Jesus CONTINUALLY cleanses us. It's about the heart, which God sees. So you will see people like Madonna with a huge cross over her scanty clothes gyrating at the audience. Many Christians hate her for it but I think God would have us pray for her, she's LOST. She doesn't know His voice and if she doesn't truly receive Christ before she dies, she will not be saved. God has mercy on all who receive Him but that doesn't give us a license to sin. We obey because we love God. We are grateful for the sacrifice of His Son.

    Ameer, the more you study this, the more the beauty of the Jewish traditions come alive. I think the Messianic Jews are the most blessed, because they know all of the traditions and can see how it lines up perfectly with Christ.

    [you wrote] Islam has severe punishment for premarital sex, adultery and theft not so much to punish but to prevent. We see how widespread this sinful conduct is and who it leads to even deeper problems in society.

    Ameer, I understand that, and you probably have to invoke the punishment fewer than the death of AIDS that we suffer because of our sexual immorality. But I don't think any liberals, which comprise almost half of our nation, will ever be able to see that. They are blind. The wages of sin are death. I see that in the consequences that we reap. But how did Jesus deal with the adulteress? He said let him who is without sin cast the first stone. That doesn't mean that Jesus condones or agrees with adultery. It means that as we wait for His return, things will get very very dark in our nation as harlotry and worse abound. Christians have been extremely patient, but when they pursue our children in public schools, well, it's been ugly. So I do not believe Islam has the best end result. They are all flawed because we live in a flawed world. But God will know His own, it's what we look forward to. I believe the wheat and the tares (weeds) are being separated even now. I believe they are being separated by angels by blindness. . . that is why our nation is so hugely divided right now and cannot comprehend each other. Those who revel in sin honestly cannot understand the Christian right and it's sad. The blind are getting blinder just as God said it would be before the end times.

    [you wrote] Of course, believers must struggle to eliminate evil and the temptation that we are all prone to without God's help and grace. I recognize the effect that accepting Jesus as savior for one's original sin without doing anything to deserve it ("while we were yet sinners") but it is only a minority that have been able to be born again, while most of mankind seem to be mired in sin, neglect and forgetfulness.

    Ameer, no, I don't think so. God doesn't expect us to be perfect once saved, but we are perfect because of Christ. Ameer, we are all on potters wheels. Once we give our lives to Christ and are washed clean, then God begins to work on us. I didn't even know that a lot of the things I used to do was sin to God. I really didn't. He slowly and carefully shows me, and I'm a work in progress. All Christians are. That's why God says to look for the fruit. If we truly invite Christ to come into our lives and change us, it should be visible within a year or two. Not perfect, but distinct visible changes. I see them often in many. God knows His own.

    [you wrote] Let all of us who believe in God and in His Goodness and Mercy join together in being examples of the best our religion offers so that others may be able to see that the path we are in offers them a way for eternal happiness in the Presence of God and not suffer in the hell because our souls have been alienated from Him.

    Ameer, I don't understand how you can pretend this when your own holy books say that if you convert to Christianity you will be killed. You cannot "kind of" receive Christ, so how can there be unity with you? Or you with us? We are most definitely to love you, but we are not of you. And without Christ, you are not of us. Christ is offered, knock and you will receive, but without Him, there is no propitiation for sin. We have lived side by side in America a long time. I have had many Muslim friends and I have honestly and sincerely liked every single one. But if anyone tries to teach my son to participate in your god rather than the god that I know and love, then that is a serious breach of our religious freedom and I stand up loudly and object. My God is a jealous God. And His name is not Allah.

    [you wrote] The fire of regret already begins in this world and how much greater in the next when we realize our mistake. Satan wishes all those who believe in God to be busy fighting one another over who is more loved by God rather than living a life that will bring people to accept God and carry out His plan for humanity.

    Ameer, I disagree. Satan has sent many false gods to confuse the people. He would like nothing more than for all to fall away from Christ and join other beliefs, in fact I believe that's written of in scripture, the one world system, and its an abomination to God.

    [you wrote] To answer your question regarding a Muslim who either rejects Islam or accepts another means to worship him, I know there is a traditional view that after given a chance to return he should be killed but I believe that this does not really conform to what is in the Qur'an. At that time there were those who were pagans who accepted Islam, then went back to paganism and did this several times in order to create confusion and disbelief in others but no punishment was prescribed for that person in this world.

    Ameer, would you like me to send you some of the verses? Yes it does, it most definitely does, it unrefutably does and as you know, happens all the time. As you know it is extremely dangerous for any Muslim to receive Christ. If you deny this then I have no choice but to question your sincerity.

    [you wrote] Today, many are born Muslim without ever having really accepted Islam (not born again!). Most do not have a real knowledge of Islam especially in the conditions that exist today in the Muslim world.

    I easily believe that. False claims happen in all religions I suppose.

    [you wrote] Just as cutting the hand for thievery should not be carried out in a society that does not do anything to create an economic and spiritual atmosphere where such actions are done only by the most depraved, so also those who sincerely adopt another religion that they believe will lead them to God should not be killled as the Qur'an says that their is no compulsion in religion and they always have a chance to return to their faith.

    Ameer, Muhammad said “peace” and then slaughtered many. The Quran reflects the change and it flows both ways. To claim Islam is only peaceful might work, until the majority is Islam, and surely you are aware of what happens then?

    [you wrote] Many heretics in Christendom were tortured, killed or burned at the stake because they held beliefs that were not acceptable to those in power.

    Ameer, when that happened, those in power were not following the Bible. When it happens in Islam it is proscribed by the Quran. That is the difference.

    [you wrote] One man in the early years of Muslim rule killed a man with his sword because he did not accept Islam and he himself was executed by the sultan as he was in violation of how the religion of Islam should be spread. This despite the propaganda that Islam was spread by the sword. Of course, after conquest many accepted Islam once they were free to understand its true beliefs and were not afraid of their co-religionists. Christians continued to live and thrive in the Muslim world and there was debate carried out in a respectful way.

    Ameer, really? Then why can't my friend openly preach Christ in any Muslim dominated nation? The Quran does flow both ways, of peace and of violence, taken with the Hadith, the Sira, the method of Muhammad, you know the sword is more than acceptable, it is Islam. If a sultan killed a Muslim for that action, then I'm sure there are many Muslim scholars who would have long debates with him. In the US, we now see children following a different road than their parents and there is no means to pressure anyone to adopt or reject any ideology or way of life.

    Ameer, parents are rallying to protect their children. Our society is getting sicker, but parents who pray have a huge advantage.

    [you wrote] However, there are Muslims who will attempt to harm those who slander the Prophet of Islam (some have called him a pervert and child molester) or ridiculed the tenets of Islam or its practices rather that engaging in respectful discussion to find the truth.

    Ameer, Christians feel outraged when Christ is mocked as well. But Christ gave us the example of how to forgive. He asked God to forgive them as He was crucified, spit on, mocked and humiliated. Did Muhammad?

    [you wrote] Some Christians have taken advantage of the poverty in Muslim countries to offer financial rewards or assistance to get new converts or an education or other inducements to get those who are weak in faith and knowledge to abandon their faith. No doubt, there are others who have fallen for the propaganda of Jehovah"s Witnesses or others and who were unable to obtain satisfactory answers to their questions from ignorant people around them. There is a very small number of Muslims who have given up Islam to embrace Christianity despite the efforts of missionaries. Naturally it is very hard for anyone in a Muslim country to do so given the nature of the society.

    Ameer, and also because of what the holy books say.

    [you wrote] Anyone who is sincere can migrate to a Christian country if necessary to avoid the stigma or threat of violence.

    Ameer, and the holy books of Islam, right?

    [you wrote] Some may see this as a quick way to get to the US or to have a better life or even to achieve martyrdom by preaching publicly rather than being a silent witness for his faith by his example. Even Muslim who express heretical views have had to migrate.

    Ameer, I'm not sure what you mean by this?

    [you wrote] Again, please excuse me for my attempt to show you that though we have different ideas about the best way to please God we still believe in a single Creator who loves us even though we may differ as to His nature.

    Ameer, I believe you believe in one God. I believe you have similar ideas of what sin is, if not the consequences, there are some similarities but that is due to Muhammad studying the Christians and Jews. The direction did change, however, decisively. God (Eloheim, El Shaddai, the great I AM) is not Allah; Allah is not God. How could they be? If they were, they would have written the same. So much of Christ was written of in the Old Testament pointing directly at Him. Where is Muhammad written of? What did Muhammad do to make the claim that he is the most important prophet of all, is it just that he claims to have heard the word of Allah? Why would that make him such an exceptional prophet above all other prophets? He didn't even make any predictions revealed by God that came to pass, as so many other prophets did. Why is the status of Muhammad so elevated? Why is he the only prophet who claims his god said to curse Christians and Jews? Why would God contradict Himself?

    [you wrote] May God guide us to and in His path and forgive us for our mistakes and shortcomings. May He open our hearts, minds and souls to His truth and to be His sincere servants.

    Ameer, amen to that. That is my prayer as well, Ameer, on that I can agree. But I don't think you are directing it to the same God as I do, and I sincerely wish you were.

    Eloheim be with you, sincerely, jen

  5. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Really great dialogue here. Please keep up the good work because the info is so needed in mainstream America.

  6. Bob in new jersey4:33 AM

    great article, i for one agree with what you have stated. the American people are being snowballed and love it; one day they will glance over their shoulders and find all religions gone except Islam. for a great web site to visit and see the other side of the story about Islam i might suggest the site is that of an Islam disbeliever and one that left the religion. continue to spread the word and wake up America. thank you.


Please keep it G rated, thanks