by Jen Shroder[over 23 references linked below]
as seen at FreeRepublic

Abdurahman Alamoudi, President of the American Muslim Council, supporter of Hamas, Hezbollah and accused of ties with Osama bin Laden, helped develop "Religious Expression in Public School" with the ACLU which holds the copyright. Launched by Clinton in 1995, these "Presidential Guidelines" greatly impact public schools today.
Nadine Strossen, President of the ACLU, refers to these guidelines as the authority to support the ACLU’s lawsuits restricting Christmas celebrations and removing Nativity scenes from public schools.
School districts are pressured to utilize Clinton’s guidelines which he sold to America as "issued by 35 religious groups," failing to disclose they include many civil rights groups and are all described by the ACLU as committed to separation of church and state. This explains Strossen's haughty smile as she smugly said on the Lou Dobbs show, "All these religious groups agreed to it!" (12/19/03)
Alamoudi met often with then President and Hillary Clinton and has been described as Hillary’s friend and advisor on Islamic affairs. Protected by Clinton’s Presidential Guidelines, funding for Islamic educational materials began pouring in from Saudi Arabia and Muslim nations. Houghton Mifflin textbooks became saturated with Muslim beliefs as the Council of Islamic Education (CIE) helped write the textbook (originally denied by the publisher, Houghton Mifflin, until their Editorial Director was caught bragging about it in print).
CIE Director, Shabbir Mansuri, boasted that he is waging a "bloodless" revolution, promoting world cultures and faiths in America's classrooms. CIE has warned scholars and public officials who do not sympathize with its requests that they will be perceived as racists, reactionaries, and enemies of Islam.
Islamic organizations that remind Muslims it is their RELIGIOUS OBLIGATION (Dawa) to promulgate Islam are applauding Clinton and his religious guidelines today:
"In the U.S. one of the strongest arguments in favor of seeking religious accommodation for your child is President Bill Clinton's 1995 statement of principles addressing the extent to which religious expression and activity are permitted in public school. This was given to every school district in the United States." ~ SoundVision
Additionally, Clinton went beyond the ACLU copyright guidelines and added:
"Students generally do not have a Federal right to be excused from lessons that may be inconsistent with their religious beliefs or practices."
Pay attention. There went religious freedom.
At the end of his term, Clinton addressed Muslim leaders with a Ramadan message containing quotes from our children's textbooks today. Clinton categorically lists his accomplishments to Muslims:
"As America's six-million-member Muslim community grows in numbers and prominence, Americans of every religious tradition are learning more about the origins and meaning of Islam. That on "the Night of Power," the Angel Gabriel appeared to the Prophet Muhammad and revealed to him the first verses of the Koran. That the Koran declares that Ramadan was the month Allah's words were sent down, and so should be spent in fasting." -Bill Clinton
As terrorists executed attacks on America, then President Clinton slashed our defenses, gutted our intelligence, pardoned terrorists, halted investigations of Islamic charities and negotiated for peace, evidently with a powerful bargaining chip, our children through our public education system.
Fundamentalist Islam is determined to advance, entering by persuasion within our public schools and by sword at our borders. President Clinton has clearly provided both doorways as we are swarmed by two approaches of Islam, courting our children while bombing our buildings.
Is it hard to believe Clinton, professing to be Christian, could betray Christ and America like this? Examine the fruit. Lying under oath, dubious activities with staff, slipping in an ACLU document as written by "religious groups" is compounded when one remembers how Hillary demanded public funding for (brace yourself) a dung covered depiction of the Virgin Mary, with breasts of elephant dung, surrounded by genital pornography at the Brooklyn Museum in October 1999.
Together the Clintons met with Muslim groups in the White House so often it became commonplace. In speeches against President Bush, Clinton has condemned America by blaming us for the Crusades. With this kind of history, it is not hard to believe Clinton betrayed America's Christian heritage and used our children as bargaining chips in negotiations with Islamic leaders.
Today, Christmas and Nativity scenes are outlawed while Clinton's nominee, U.S. District Judge Phyllis Hamilton, recently approved "Islam: A Simulation" where children learn to "become Muslim, recite the Quran, fast for Ramadan and pray to Allah including this prayer:
"In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of Creation, The Compassionate, the Merciful, King of Judgment-day! You alone we worship, and to You alone we pray for help, Guide us to the straight path."
The double-standard is shocking, but one need only look at our public school guidelines and who wrote them, with clauses designed to open or close doors at the will of the ACLU, to discover how our nation finds itself in such a dreadful state today.
by Jen Shroder, blessedcause
Sources with over 23 references/sources


  1. Lite Keeper8:24 PM

    INTREP - Offal from Klintoon mis-administration

  2. Sarasota8:25 PM

    The clintons are the herpes of politics, the gift that keeps on giving whether you want it to or not.

  3. cake crumb8:25 PM

    More proof the Clintons are in bed with the terrorists.

  4. Viking 20028:26 PM

    Terrorism. Islam. Public schools. ACLU. Clinton. All woven together, just like the web of an anti-Christian, anti-West spider. All keywords synonymous with The Enemies Of America. More and more, the battle lines are being defined.

  5. Gulliver Swift8:27 PM

    Additionally, Clinton went beyond the ACLU copyright guidelines and added:
    "Students generally do not have a Federal right to be excused from lessons that may be inconsistent with their religious beliefs or practices."

    Hey, that means according to BJ, student must be forced to say the Pledge of Allegiance! Thanks, Bill!

  6. Navy Seal F-168:30 PM

    Unbelievable! This needs more exposure. What's going to happen if Hillary ever gets in?

  7. tallyman8:30 PM

    The ACLU is a terrorist organization, and the spawn of Satan. They must be defeated. The judiciary that enables them must be replaced.

  8. States enemy8:31 PM

    Islam isn't a "religion of Peace" (no matter how much GWB wishes it so)
    It is a murderous cult that has brought brutish violence to every people it ever conquered or bordered.

    It's eradication, or our own, will eventually come to pass.

  9. Diogenesis8:33 PM

    To Sarasota

  10. Additionally, Clinton went beyond the ACLU copyright guidelines....
    I don't think that the ACLU holds any copyright (at least exclusively) to this publication as it was jointly produced & drafted with 30+ other organizations.

    I think Blessed Cause assumes an ACLU copyright because of the copyright notice at the end of the ACLU webpage referenced/linked to with this publication by the Blessed Cause website.

    However, I found similar copyright language at the bottom of three other organizations' websites that I looked at with this document. (I only looked at three & saw the similar language on all three -- I assume this is the same for all/most of the other groups).

    In other words, the copyright referenced is probably for the ACLU's website & it's content, not the publication itself.

  11. familyop8:35 PM

    The NEA is probably applauding it, too.

  12. papabear 478:35 PM

    We have a threat greater than communism delivered to us by a socialist President elected by fools like myself(the first term)and given a second term by idiot democrats and moderate Republicans in the hope that he would save the world from evil conservatives and their corporate associates.
    Yes I voted for him the first time as I found it impossible to vote GHB into office again, his New World Order was my first clue as to his real philosophy for Amerika.
    Shout me down all you will, that is your right now,but for how long are we going to have that right.Will we as history has shown fail as a nation because we permit our elected officials to betray us for their own benefit.We need only look at the UK and the manner in which the EU constitution was being forced upon them without a referendum (The U.K. SUN covered that in depth).I said WAS as T. Blair had to retreat on signing on, FOR NOW.
    It has also come to my attention that the Secret Service has requested that anti Bush protesters be held at a distance during his U.S. campaign and oversea visits (The U.K.) and people have been charged with various offenses for mearly expressing their disagreement with his policies.The local authorities have been given the task of policing and segregating these individuals and groups from the President and even the press in order to push an agenda.Federal charges have been brought against at least one individual in that respect however to my knowledge all of these charges have been dismissed due to first amendment violation on the part of authorities involved and the overriding evidence that those charged were no threat to President Bush or the Nation.....If I have erred please give me the correct information as I am not to proud to seek the truth (what actually occurred)and stand corrected.

  13. ravingnutter8:36 PM

    From another article, same author, which names some of the groups:
    These guidelines were presented to America as drafted by "thirty-five religious groups." The truth is they were drafted by the American Muslim Council, American Humanist Association, Americans United for Seperation (sic) of Church and State, many more recognizable secularist groups among a few Christian-sounding names, along with the ACLU which also holds the copyright.

    Bush Country

  14. EverOnward8:37 PM

    To Viking 2002
    Terrorism. Islam. Public schools. ACLU. Clinton. All woven together, just like the web of an anti-Christian, anti-West spider. All keywords synonymous with The Enemies Of America. More and more, the battle lines are being defined.
    So true.

  15. Taxpayer 20008:38 PM

    Yawn........anyone surprised?

  16. why do they even bother trying to terrorize us when they can just infiltrate from within. their goal is to turn us all into islamic fanatics, right?

  17. Bob DaThone8:39 PM

    To Raving nutter
    I have no brief pro or con on the guidelines, but if you Google "guidelines on Religious expression in public schools", you will find them posted on the web sites of the Christian Legal Association, American Center for Law and Justice and Focus on the Family, either neutrally or favorably. As I remember the coverage at the time, these particular guidelines in fact supported individual student expression, as against teachers who wanted to confiscate Bibles, etc.
    I'd recommend reading the full guidelines and deciding for yourself.

  18. highlander/uw8:40 PM

    "Additionally, Clinton went beyond the ACLU copyright guidelines and added:
    "Students generally do not have a Federal right to be excused from lessons that may be inconsistent with their religious beliefs or practices."

    Pay attention. There went religious freedom. "

    What happened to their cries for separation of church and state?
    Can this ACLU/Clintoon guideline not be used to allow Christian teachings in school as well?

  19. To Bob DaThone
    I'd recommend reading the full guidelines and deciding for yourself.
    Now you're just being silly......

  20. LadyLib8:41 PM

    To NavySeal
    She's going to make big plans for your kid. Unfortunately, you won't have much to say about it. Either will your kid, for that matter.

  21. PapaBear 478:42 PM

    They protested, what rights were lost? They weren't allowed to get close enough to cause security problems.

  22. Kudsman8:43 PM

    To Calpurnia

    Book mark bump. Thx Cal.

  23. PapaBear 478:43 PM

    To Kings of Que
    I understand keeping dangerous people away from the President however were I desirous of causing him harm a protest sign would avail me naught,rather that I should bear a Pro-Bush slogan and the means to do him harm.We blind ourselves to the obvious ....Not all terrorists are incompetent fools incapable of masquerading as decent people to preform there despicable acts.
    What can we do to prevent another President Reagan assassination attempt.I do not have the answer other than to keep the President away from the general population.A truly dedicated individual or group seeking to do harm to anyone would present an almost insurmountable security problem.

  24. Calpernia8:44 PM

    Pinging you to an older story for your public school ping list.

  25. international american8:45 PM

    To Calpernia
    ""Students generally do not have a Federal right to be excused from lessons that may be inconsistent with their religious beliefs or practices.""


  26. Animal Lover8:46 PM


  27. Calpernia8:46 PM

    Do you remember recently, I think it was Kentucky? Kansas? Some students were being forced to attend classes to teach tolerance on homosexuality?

    I believe that statement you just quoted would cover that.

  28. red irish8:47 PM

    To Born Conservative
    Please keep me on your ping list. The children are the future of this country and the libs know it. All the information we can gather with the election coming up in 08 will be essential in the battle to protect our children.

  29. Abdurahman Alamoudi, President of the American Muslim Council, supporter of Hamas, Hezbollah and accused of ties with Osama bin Laden, helped develop "Religious Expression in Public School" with the ACLU which holds the copyright. Launched by Clinton in 1995, these "Presidential Guidelines" greatly impact public schools today.

  30. I see this thread just has the generic url, let's post the article url for this archive:

    "Accused Terrorist
    Wrote School Guidelines with ACLU
    WHY Prayer to Allah is OK in Public School"

    ARTICLE SNIPPET: "[Much of this post researched and confirmed by Wes Vernon of NewsMax, over 23 references linked below]"

  31. And here's the resource links used for that article:


    Part 1: Terror Suspect Helped ACLU Fight Christianity

    Part 2: Christians Fight California's Muslim Indoctrination of Children

    Part 3: Left-Wing Groups Silent on Schools' Muslim Indoctrination

    Part 4 Arrest of Terror Suspect Points to Other Threats


    See Also:

    America's Secret Madrassas, Schools where Islam is taught Front Page News


Please keep it G rated, thanks